Hello readers,
I'm glad you're once again tuning in to another post of this blog. It's gonna be the same kinda content but some variations, so maybe this post can still be interesting to you.
I went to COMEX Show today. Darren Foo was there. Yea. So my pap bought a printer finally, but he's not going to install it till we shift house. Sian. Any case, I bought a laptop which I'm using now. NEC brand, yea and the keyboard is a bit screwed. Never mind. At least it's new. I'm currently downloading messenger into this comp, yea so I'm not online.
There's many stuff i wanna talk about. Maybe I should talk about this first. Erm I think I blew off my top today in class. Stupid Egg pissed me off. Totally. But I guess I'm alright now. Blasting music into my ear during recess helped me kill off the emo bug. Yea. But basically I'm still pissed because we dint get a class informal photo taken by the class. I got stupid useless scoldings from my family and all that, and even after all this crap, I dint get a photo taken. Sian. Classmates are acting up again. People like Jonathan, Chiraag (never clams up) and egg still piss me off. Hmm. Yea so basically I stoned my whole recess away and my FT noticed. Crap. She smsed me later during CS. Sian. Just hoping for the best. I'm really hoping you readers, to make a change. I seriously need help. i'm struggling to keep the class alive. I believe in miracles, I know you guys can do it, I believe in you all. why can't you guys just behave?!
No point getting upset. All heads are too thick for drilling. Haiz...
Perhaps there's even more. Tomorrow's teachers' day. Yea, and I have to like wake up super super super early. I have to be in school by 6.15am. How screwed can that be? Yea. In any case I'll be dismissed at 9.30, so thankfully I'll have the time to fly back to primary school and pop in to say hi.
Anyway, DreamWeaver is nice. Just complicated. I'm gonna have a website on marine conservation soon, so when it's up I'll post the URL.
Yea. it's kinda late now. I needa go sleep. 6.15 tomorrow. Fun but sian. Haiz, what to do? Do you see the sacrifices we as CM need to make. i wonder just why, why you guys dont appreciate all these. You don't deserve it. Let me drill this into your thick effing brains. You don't deserve all this. YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT.
B Pissed
I'm glad you're once again tuning in to another post of this blog. It's gonna be the same kinda content but some variations, so maybe this post can still be interesting to you.
I went to COMEX Show today. Darren Foo was there. Yea. So my pap bought a printer finally, but he's not going to install it till we shift house. Sian. Any case, I bought a laptop which I'm using now. NEC brand, yea and the keyboard is a bit screwed. Never mind. At least it's new. I'm currently downloading messenger into this comp, yea so I'm not online.
There's many stuff i wanna talk about. Maybe I should talk about this first. Erm I think I blew off my top today in class. Stupid Egg pissed me off. Totally. But I guess I'm alright now. Blasting music into my ear during recess helped me kill off the emo bug. Yea. But basically I'm still pissed because we dint get a class informal photo taken by the class. I got stupid useless scoldings from my family and all that, and even after all this crap, I dint get a photo taken. Sian. Classmates are acting up again. People like Jonathan, Chiraag (never clams up) and egg still piss me off. Hmm. Yea so basically I stoned my whole recess away and my FT noticed. Crap. She smsed me later during CS. Sian. Just hoping for the best. I'm really hoping you readers, to make a change. I seriously need help. i'm struggling to keep the class alive. I believe in miracles, I know you guys can do it, I believe in you all. why can't you guys just behave?!
No point getting upset. All heads are too thick for drilling. Haiz...
Perhaps there's even more. Tomorrow's teachers' day. Yea, and I have to like wake up super super super early. I have to be in school by 6.15am. How screwed can that be? Yea. In any case I'll be dismissed at 9.30, so thankfully I'll have the time to fly back to primary school and pop in to say hi.
Anyway, DreamWeaver is nice. Just complicated. I'm gonna have a website on marine conservation soon, so when it's up I'll post the URL.
Yea. it's kinda late now. I needa go sleep. 6.15 tomorrow. Fun but sian. Haiz, what to do? Do you see the sacrifices we as CM need to make. i wonder just why, why you guys dont appreciate all these. You don't deserve it. Let me drill this into your thick effing brains. You don't deserve all this. YOU DO NOT DESERVE IT.
B Pissed