B the one and only.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Hello guys,

It's been a long time since I've posted right? Yea, I thought so too. Lots of things to say. Yups.

I just came back about an hour ago from dinner. Went to celebrate my parents' wedding anniversary. Had some kind of Japanese food. I'm bloated. I can't believe I ate that much tempura. Irk, the oil is so disgusting. Eew.

Anyway I also finish Brisingr today. Finally. Yea I know, don't suan. I took damn long to read that book. Basically cos I wasn't really allowed and also was busy mugging?

Probably what I'm saying in the next paragraph would be different from what many people know. Hmm basically for the first time I didn't analyse anything about my exam timetable. Which was screwed cos I actually didn't know that Chinese EOY was on Friday (yesterday) until like Monday, which means I squandered my Weekends mugging English in oblivion. Then like on Monday during History period Mdm Yati was like "when is your next CL lesson? Next week finish chinese already.." Then I was like, next week finish chinese already meh? Then check exam timetable kena shorpa. Like walao, since when de thing?

Actually this helped. So I spent like the next few days mugging and burning the midnight oil. Like when I was mugging 谚语,平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚 was like staring in my face. Oh and it helped cos like I mugged non-stop, and was copying Kei Jun's studying methods and went through sweat and toil to cram everything into my head. And for once I didn't really have much problem with the first 40marks of Chinese paper, the you-should-have-known-everything-if-you-had-mugged section. Except for a few shits I managed to squeeze my way through. But then the next half like jagged me to the core. After the first 40 marks i was like WOOHOO. Then the next section must suan me, everything (even the copy copy ones) like erk, why the sentence laiddat one ar? I have no idea what will happen. And I think I left out some points in summary. ARGH. Wah then Liang Pu must come suan me immediately after the test, say quote: " Eh the test is like *-king easy la." Fine la, be like that. Suan for all i care.

Anyway I'd like to say thanks to Kei Jun :). I think without him studying like mad and making me feel stupid, I won't have studied that hard.

That's chinese up there. I'm even more pissed with English. Basically I mugged everything about themes in animal farm. Then kena jag never come out on themes. Come out on learning point, which I think nothing to mug. Wha sian make me waste time mugging. Haiz, anyway boh pian. Just live with it. Then the compre was like. Erm, my phrasing also weird weird one. Then I like see no link in the paragraphs.

Worse still, Darren Tan next to me was like suanning me all the way. He was like erm, flying through the whole paper. Like I so slow and stupid laiddat. Wah biang.

Lucky I got window view. Got a lot of things to see. Hmm.

I guess I want to make a remark. I just can't stand people who suan with MSN nicknames. Today I log in like got some people names are like "exams are over! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!". Fine la, suan la, be like that. I'm adding that on to the PongList in profile.

My mom just hollered from the room. I guess I have to log off then. I really miss blogging which explains this rather long post.

There'll be History, Geog and Science next week on Wed, Thurs and Fri respectively. Next next Monday is Maths. Purposely must drag so long. Pong.

I've named next week Mugger week cos basically the exams next week must mug like hell. Geog and Science are like duh (so many notes), history is like animal farm, must mug the explorers.

Okay, that's about it. I guess I'll post next week in wake of the mugger subjects. Expect more shit.

The One & Only


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