B the one and only.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008


It's rather early for me to be posting. I usually post at night but then like since I'm flying so it's hard to post. Erm my flight is at 6 plus. I'll reach there supposedly around 9 plus Singapore time, about 8 plus there. They're 1hour behind us. So by the time I get there I have to like say hi to my relatives, and intro intro intro myself (I don't know them), then by the time everything is done I'd probably go to bed and have no time to post, which explains today's early post.

Anyway I'm looking forward to my trip to the airport today. I just hope I can feast my eyes on a really cool airplane. Believe it or not it's my first afternoon (okay, fine whatever, evening flight), so there'll be more than the pathetic airport lights, and I'll be able to see more things. I hope. I love airplanes, if you actually checked out my profile, if you hadn't then shame on you. You're more interested in my life stories right?

You know the flight is really really short, it's 2 hours, but I hope I get to see lot's of things. My sister is 100% un-air proof. She gets ultra air sick. In the flight to Taiwan she vomited a total of 5 times.

I just though of something to do, so I guess i'll end off here. So perhaps I'll post some other time this week?



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